Wheel of Fortune

Graphic Design

Product Design


With a visually appealing interface inspired by the popular game show, this feature was designed as an experiment to further nudge users to enable their data connection and ultimately convert them into streaming users.

  • Conversion rates, particularly in terms of users enabling their data connection and subsequently becoming streaming users, saw a noticeable increase
  • Retention rates remained stable or improved, indicating that the feature did not lead to a negative impact on user satisfaction
Wheel of Fortune

User Case Scenario

Let’s envision a typical user, Mark, and how he interacts with the Wheel of Fortune feature:

  1. Mark opens the app on his smartphone, eager to watch a new movie he downloaded from the internet. As the app loads, he is greeted by a striking visual: the Wheel of Fortune. Intrigued, Mark decides to give it a spin.
  2. With a single tap, the wheel begins to turn. The anticipation builds as the wheel slows down, finally landing on a cash prize. Thrilled by his luck, Mark eagerly moves forward to claim his prize.
  3. To claim, he will need to watch a video, so he follows the prompt to enable his data connection. Once connected, he completes watching the video and claims his prize.
  4. Turning on the data connection also unlocks MX Player’s extensive content library. Over the following weeks, Mark’s engagement with the app continues to grow. He explores more content and shares his discoveries with friends.

The Wheel of Fortune feature, with its visually appealing interface and incentivised rewards, proved to be an effective strategy for enhancing user conversion within the app. By creatively encouraging users to enable their data connection, the feature successfully nudged them towards becoming active streaming users. This feature exemplifies the power of gamification in achieving desired user actions and fostering app growth.

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