UPI Payments Integration


Product Design

In 2020, MX Player introduced MX One, a premium subscription offering ad-free, high-quality content, and exclusive features. With its increasing popularity, the need to provide users with convenient and secure payment options became paramount.

  • The availability of UPI payments led to a noticeable increase in subscription conversions, with many users opting for the convenience of UPI
  • MX Player successfully expanded its payment options, catering to a broader audience with varying preferences
  • No security breaches or data leaks were reported, underscoring the robustness of the payment system
UPI Payments Integration

The Need for UPI Payments

As the subscriber base for MX One continued to grow, it became evident that providing a seamless and secure payment option was essential. While traditional payment methods were available, incorporating UPI payments would align with the evolving preferences of Indian users who favoured digital payments.

User-Centric Design

The user interface was meticulously crafted to seamlessly incorporate UPI payments. The goal was to make the payment process intuitive and user-friendly. Key design principles included:

  1. Simplified Flow: The payment flow was designed to be straightforward, with minimal steps to complete the transaction. Users were guided through the process with clear, concise instructions.
  2. Visual Clarity: The UI elements related to UPI payments were designed with distinct, easily recognisable icons and labels. This ensured that users could quickly identify and select UPI as their preferred payment method.

Error Handling and Assistance

Recognising that errors can be frustrating for users, specially during the payment process, proactive error handling measures were implemented:

  1. Error Messages: Clear and informative error messages were provided to guide users in case of issues during the payment process. These messages were designed to be user-friendly and actionable.
  2. In-App Help: In-app help options, such as live chat support or a dedicated FAQ section were included, to assist users who encountered difficulties during UPI payments.

The integration of UPI payments for MX One premium subscriptions was a strategic move that resulted in improved user experience, increased subscriber numbers, and enhanced security. This integration serves as a testament to the importance of adapting to the changing payment landscape in the digital era.

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