Live Content Toggle on Show Pages

Live TV

Product Design

Third-Party Integration

MX Player sought to expand its user base and encourage more users to explore its recently integrated live TV channels from Sony. The toggle switch was designed to entice users to explore this new feature and enjoy live broadcasts alongside their favorite on-demand shows.

  • Users who engaged with live TV channels tended to spend more time on the platform, increasing overall user retention
  • It helped users discover live shows aligned with their preferences, making the platform more personalised and appealing
Live Content Toggle on Show Pages

Use Case Scenario

Alice, a 30-year-old avid user of MX Player, is looking for something to watch on the platform. She enjoys her on-demand TV shows.

  1. Alice’s Intent: Alice opens the MX Player app on her smartphone and scrolls through the homepage, where she spots a thumbnail of a popular show called ‘Baalveer Returns’.
  2. Show Detail Page: Upon tapping on the thumbnail, Alice is taken to the Show Detail Page. Here, she sees the show’s description, episodes, and more. What she notices is a new feature: the live content toggle.
  3. Discovery: Alice reads the label on the toggle switch, which says “Show only Balveer Returns”. Curious about what this does, she taps the toggle to turn it off.
  4. Live Content Integration: As soon as Alice turns off the switch, a new section replaces the episode list below. It’s the Electronic Program Guide (EPG) that displays a list of live TV shows currently broadcasting on the same channel as ‘Balveer Returns’.
  5. Exploring Live Content: Alice is pleasantly surprised to see a variety of live TV shows listed in the EPG. The channel is broadcasting a lot of content that aligns with her interest.
  6. Show Selection: Alice explores the EPG and selects one of the shows currently airing live. She is instantly tuned into the live broadcast and enjoys the show.
  7. Engagement and Satisfaction: Thanks to the EPG toggle, Alice has not only discovered a new way to access live TV shows within MX Player but has also discovered a show that she thoroughly enjoys. She decides to watch the entire live broadcast, increasing her engagement with the platform.
  8. Future Use: Alice is now more inclined to use the EPG toggle when exploring other shows in the future. She recognises that MX Player offers a seamless integration of live TV, making her entertainment options even more versatile.

In this use case scenario, the integration of the EPG toggle on the Show Detail Page has successfully nudged a user like Alice to discover and engage with live TV shows, thereby enhancing her overall viewing experience and contributing to the platform’s growth.

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