The Different Types of Designers and What They Do

Who does what in the design world?

The Different Types of Designers and What They Do

Design terms are often interchangeably used, causing confusion and misunderstanding about the roles. This article decodes the various different types of design roles.

UI Designer

UI designers focus on the interface part of digital products, such as layout, typography, iconography and colour scheme. They work on creating interfaces that are visually appealing, functional, and easy to use.

UX Designer

UX designers focus on the user experience which includes research, testing, and metrics to understand user behaviour and needs. They work on crafting wireframes and user flows to create seamless user experiences.

Motion Designer

Motion designers focus on the interactive part of digital products, such as micro-interactions, transitions, and animations. Also known as Interaction designers, they work closely with UI designers.

Graphic Designer

Graphic designers focus on creating visual assets of digital products, such as illustrations, graphics and icons in which they work closely with UI designers. They also work closely with social media and marketing teams and collaborate on consumer-facing assets.

Product Designer

Product designers are generalists and focus on the overall design of a digital product, often involving both user interface and user experience design. They work closely with engineers and product managers.

User Researcher

User researchers focus on conducting research in order to understand user needs. They work closely with UX designers to ensure that the final interface meets the needs of the target users.

UX Writer

UX writers focus on writing copy for digital products, including modals, alert boxes, buttons, labels, and other interface elements. They work closely with UI designers to ensure that the language used in the interface is clear, concise, and consistent.


I hope this guide has been helpful in clarifying the distinctions between the various Designer roles.

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